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Join Us in Pursuing Hope
in a Wobbly World

Planet Gel-O outreach will require a team of partners who believe in our two-fold mission of bringing hope for humanity and hope for eternity. Prayer partners, member partners, and investment partners will help us fulfill our mission of training up the next generation with the skills for courageous conversations to pursue courageous coexistence. 

Study group

Prayer Partners

Planet Gel-O Founder Michael McCorkle is asking God to raise up at least 100 prayer partners to sustain the ministry and fight the spiritual battles that are abundant in this outreach effort. If you are a person of prayer please consider becoming part of our foundation as a prayer partner. Join us today and receive a weekly prayer letter from Michael. Join by clicking below and get your first prayer team email within two weeks. 

Member Partners

Member Partners support us through a variety of ways. Telling our story, sharing on social media, volunteering at events we hold, and joining our membership team through an annual subscription. Become a member at the level that fits your desires and help Michael and the Planet Gel-O team impact the future, one courageous conversation at a time.

Business Handshake

Investment Partners

Due to the need to scale and move aggressively as opportunity allows, Planet Gel-O Outreach is an LLC with the opportunity for strategic social enterprise investments. We have several relationship structures that we can use to fit your needs. Please contact us for more information.  

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