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Our Mission

We seek to bring words of hope to a wobbly world while pursuing courageous coexistence. 

Our Vision

A world where respect replaces hate and courageous conversations replace 
the drums of war. 

How Do We Get There

Courageous coexistence is a bold hope but its starts with you. Think about this story.


Two men were walking down a beach after thousands of starfish washed up following a destructive storm. One of the men began picking up the starfish one by one and throwing them in the water. The other person scoffingly asked, "what are you doing? You can't save them all!" The person looked up and softly said, "I just saved that one?"


How do we create a world of coexistence without compromise - one conversation at a time. You can choose courageous coexistence one person at a time and together we can build a better future for everyone.


Start a courageous conversation with someone who you probably don't agree with. We can help you. Just keep reading. Planet Gel-O Dialogues or courageous conversations utilize a platform for discussing difficult topics peacefully.  Instead of dancing around the elephants we create a path for individuals to face them. We cannot build a better world if we cannot communicate about our differences and find a path to courageous coexistence. Keep reading and take a step toward a better future for everyone. â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹

Choosing Courageous Coexistence through four "A's"

1.  Become aware of your personal Existence Paradigm. Take our survey and get a report. (Survey link in process)
2. Become aware of your convictions. Take some time to think through EP --what you believe and why you believe. This is where courageous begins.


3. Become aware of others. Take some time to consider what others believe  and why they might hold their beliefs.


4. Become aware of your personal space. Begin thinking and praying (if you are a praying person) about someone you think or know might have a different belief than you do on an important topic.


5. Become aware of your communication style. Consider what it might be like to discuss this topic with this individual. What would you say? How would you say it? If they got defensive, how would you react. How would you prevent yourself from getting defensive. 

1. Invite your Indvidual to coffee, or lunch or just strike up a conversation and see where it goes. 

2. Share with them what a courageous coexistence might look like and invite them to a courageous conversation.

3. Follow the courageous conversations road map and be the first to demonstrate trust and courageous vulnerability. 

1. Accept the reality of change. Take a hard look at the world we live in. Noone is winning these wars on words and values and beliefs. No one ever really has, but a lot of people have lost their lives fighting.  It's time for a different approach. This is where acceptance begins. 

2. Accept the hope of Courageous Coexistence. Most people want the same things. Friends, family, purpose, opportunity and hope for the future. Courageous Coexistence is the only hope for humanity's future. 

3. Accept the risk. Pursuing, achieving and living in courageous coexistence has a risk. But once you know its the only hope for your future, and future generations, The risk becomes valid.

4. Accept the possibility of failure before finding success. The chances are that future courageous conversations will fail as much as they succeed. Someone will get hurt or say the wrong thing, or the right thing the wrong way.

Your goal isn’t to wind debates on differences but to understand why others believe what they believe and pursue courageous coexistence.

5. Accept that trust builds slowly.  It may take time for trust to develop but trust opens the door to courageous coexistence.

1. Adapt your thinking about other people to allow for their growth and change. 

2. Adapt your communication to respect others starting point on the road to courageous coexistence. 

3. Tell someone about your experience and encourage them to try it. Get together a small group of opposites and multiply the outcome, but make sure everyone agrees on the courageous conversations roadmap. 

Take the challenge. Be part of the path to peaceful coexistence. Live with courageous respect. 

Become Aware and Accept the harder realities of our world.

Initiate courageous conversations and communicate with respect and care.

LIve with conviction but choose courageous coexistence for a better future for everyone. 

Courage is not the absence of fear,

but the effort to do right thing in the face of fear.


(author unknown)

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