Humanity's existence is complex but not infinitely so. The following ten statements on our existence frame our perspective and drive our mission and vision at Planet Gel-O Outreach.

1. Everyone is a composite of their Whole Person Experience which is a combination of our genetics, life encounters and experiences, what we learn, and what we become our beliefs based on all of the process just described.
2. Everyone's whole person experience creates a system of beliefs and assumptions which they hold and engage our world with. We call this our existential paradigm. We use our term because we believe this paradigm includes both conscious and unconscious ideas about things like God's existence, life after death, aliens, our worlds origins. These have a powerful influence upon our lives whatever those beliefs.
3. Our existential paradigm directs how we interact with the world around us and the decisions we make.
4. Due to the way they are existential paradigm is formed in us, they do not change without crisis in some form.
5. Due to the way they are existential paradigm is formed in us, they do not change without crisis in some form.
6. Crisis can be as small as a new understanding or as large as suffering or death, but some type of crisis in our paradigm must occur in order for change to occur.
7. The turbulence on our planet in most situations is somehow connected to a clash between existential paradigms.
8. This turbulence has existed from man's earliest existence regardless of knowledge, sophistication or modern technology.
9. Our integrated and technologically driven world is bringing this turbulence to peak that puts our planet and our existence at risk.
10. Unless humanity can courageous coexistence a global crisis is inevitable..

11. Our survival as a species is probable based on history and the current rate of technological innovation, but what portion of humanity survives will be determined by whether we can find a path to courageous coexistence or we hold on to the notion of ideological dominance.
12. Regardless of what existence paradigm we hold, we do so by faith - beliefs trusted to the point of action- and we will only know the truth of those of beliefs when we die. We cannot beat death.